Saturday, December 31, 2016

Take A Risk in 2017

Today and tomorrow we focus on the fresh start of a new year. At the very beginning let me ask you to consider the following question:

What risks are you going to take for Jesus Christ in 2017?

In a thrilling exchange in the middle of a storm out on the water, Jesus tells his disciples in Matthew 14:27 "Don't be afraid. Take courage. I am here!" Just imagine if you lived every single day with those words ringing in your mind...Don't be afraid! Take courage! Jesus is with you! Think about it. How could those truths impact your life in 2017?

Just consider the following examples of "risks" that could completely transform a person's life in 2017:
  • I am going to pursue the truth claims of Jesus Christ in the Bible.
  • I am going to examine if Jesus Christ is worthy to be my personal Lord and Savior.
  • I am going to be obedient in baptism. 
  • I am going to join a local church, get connected to a community group, and serve others.
  • I am going to lead a community group and share life with others.  
  • I am going to grow in generosity and trust God with my finances.
  • I am going to become a servant and student of my spouse. 
  • I am going to disciple my children and teach them the ways of Jesus.
  • I am going to go on my very first mission trip.
  • I am going to allow Jesus to break addiction in my life. 
  • I am going to serve my friends and neighbors and show them the crazy love of Jesus. 
Remember, God designed you to trust Him. God is honored when we dream big, trust big, and then depend big. He loves it when we take spiritual risks and then ask for His help to follow through with obedience. In 2017, don't allow yourself to play it safe. Talk to God about the risks you are willing to take for Him, ask for His help, and then share those risks with friends and family who will encourage even more risk-taking for Christ in the new year. 

Happy New Year!