Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cast and Trust

The church plant fund is finally starting to make some traction. This week we crossed the 30K mark which was a huge encouragement to the entire launch team. As most of you know, Grand Avenue Baptist Church is serving as a partner with us by temporarily receiving all of the donations for NCC and helping us file as a non-profit corporation. When I spoke to Don Lehman (Business Administrator at Grand) this week he gave me an update on the fund total which included a private/anonymous gift from someone for $7,500. I am truly grateful for the generosity of people as they give to the launch of a new church which has the potential to impact hundreds for Christ.

Obviously we still have more money to raise, but I do not intend to change my approach one bit...and that is to keep casting the vision for Northwest Community Church and trust God to prompt the right individuals to give. Likewise, this week I had the opportunity to meet with my good friend and mentor, Eddie Mayfield, who gave me some advice on how to approach influential businessmen with request for money. Eddie's advice:
  1. Be direct. Get to the point.
  2. Show them you've got a clear plan/strategy, but realize that they don't want to know every single detail of the plan.
  3. Explain the need and ask them if they can help meet that need.
At this point, I plan to pursue my leads with some businessmen in the Atlanta and Chattanooga areas, but please don't hesitate to send me the name/contact info of other businessmen who could potentially be used by God to help launch NCC.

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