Monday, October 12, 2009

Vision, Process, Systems, Strategies

Over the past two Sunday afternoons, the launch team of Northwest Community Church has been exploring the relationship between vision, process, systems, and strategies. Obviously these 4 words do not spark tons of inspiration in most people, but they are crucial concepts for us to grasp if we are going to launch large and prepare for growth. Here are the key principles we are learning:
  1. Our vision (leading people to experience a new life in Christ) determines our process.
  2. Our process (connect with God, live in community, serve people, grow in Christ) is supported by the 8 systems of the church.
  3. Our systems will operate smoothly by implementing clear strategies.
  4. Our strategies will allow us to fulfill our vision.
This certainly is not rocket science. In fact, the beauty of it is that it is quite simple. And that is what we hope to become...a simple church that leads people who are unchurched and possibly far from Christ towards experiencing a new life in Christ.

1 comment:

  1. This has to be one of the best post I have read! I love stuff like this.

    What is the 8 systems of the church?

