Monday, March 29, 2010

Healthy Signs

The last two weeks at NCC have really been encouraging to me. For those of you who might be following us in other parts of the country, let me explain. Last Sunday, Bella Vista got this crazy mini-snow storm where it went from 70 degrees on Friday to about 8 inches on snow on Sunday morning. However, that did not stop us from having church. A small group of us gathered at the boys and girls club without any equipment and held a worship service...we prayed and studied a beautiful passage in Acts 15 where the early church stood at a major crossroads. In fact, grab a Bible and read the story. Pay special attention to the speeches of Paul, Peter, and James. These guys got it right! Basically the early church (consisted of primarily people with a Jewish background) had to decided if they were going to open the church up to outsiders/Gentiles. Do we want a church for "church people" or do we want to risk the church getting "messy"? And thus began the 2,000 year struggle that every church faces...the gravitational pull to turn inward. How is this encouraging?
As always, God provides us with hope. When a church decides to point people to Christ and asks God to help them focus on "outsiders" God steps in and does amazing things. The early church got this and Northwest Community Church gets this.

As for yesterday, we spent the morning focusing on another passage in Acts (Acts 2:42-47) which paints a picture of how a healthy church is supposed to act as it focuses on reaching new people. This is perhaps may favorite passage in all of Scripture because it truly shows us how the local church is the hope of the world. You just can't fabricate that kind of community...It only comes from Christ working in people. I literally intend to spend the rest of my time on this earth casting out the vision of the local church. It just does not get any better than that.

Finally, I have got to tell those of you who have not been able to join us at Northwest Community Church that we have truly got the most amazing launch team ever. This group of people understands servanthood and sacrifice like you can't imagine. I am humbled and honored to be on the team.

By the way, don't forget to pray for our big family Easter egg hunt/cookout this Friday evening.

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