Monday, August 19, 2013

The Volunteers At Northwest Are Amazing

The volunteers at Northwest are amazing. Over the past few weeks I have witnessed several of our volunteers serve in ways that not only honors God but show others how much we value people.

I've watched as a team of ladies led by Ashley S. served 70 Firehouse Subs to all the teachers at Cooper Elementary and took the time to help the teachers prepare their rooms for the new school year. I've seen people like Kent, Cathy, and Cole D. along with Haley S. show up at Cooper Elementary during Open House to help serve and direct families. I've watched students like Spencer H. assist in the children's ministry even when he was not on the rotation simply because there was a need. But wait there's more. On that same Sunday I also watched Spencer come back into the cafeteria after the worship service and tell a new family how much he enjoyed teaching their child in children's church! I've watched couples like VJ and Brittany W. serve back to back Sundays on the A-team with amazing attitudes and show people how excited we are to have them come to church! I've seen Jeff and Jennifer P. step up in big ways and encourage others to get involved. I got to see Keslyn E. and Tom H. serve as point people for our setup process this past Sunday and do amazing jobs. I've watched as Tim B. and Dan F. have started using their gifts to help lead our church in worship. I watched Bynum, Sarah, and Andrew overcome technical difficulties and focus our people on worshipping God. I've seen Kurt and Rebecca S. and Becky G. serve faithfully and invite new families to join us at Northwest. And these are just a fraction of the ways our volunteers have served over the last two weeks!

The example of our volunteers reminds me of how crucial it is for each member at Northwest to feel valued and needed. In my humble opinion there are two things that will bring people back to Northwest and allow us to serve and invest in their lives:
  1. Meaningful relationships with people who genuinely care for them.
  2. Encounter with the living and personal God who loves them. 
It is our job as leaders to equip others and solve problems so that more and more people are able to experience BOTH! If you attend Northwest and have ideas for how Sundays could flow more smoothly, engage more volunteers, or focus people on Jesus Christ, please let us know. If you know of someone at Northwest with unused gifts and talents, then together let's find a way to get them involved. When we give our best efforts God is honored and other people are inspired to get involved. May we always give our best as an act of worship to the God who saves us.

1 comment:

  1. Can I get an "amen"??!!! Beautiful, amazing, wonderful attitudes and focus! God WILL bless!!
