Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What Kind of Life Have We Been Called To?

"I don't think Christ came, ministered, and even died for the sake of giving us calm, tranquil, at-ease lives. Jesus came to bring Abundance, Redemption, and Transformation to anyone who would accept his way of living." - Will Blanchard

This can be somewhat of an overwhelming statement to mull over. When it comes to changing the way we live our lives each day, things seem to get a little tense. I know in my own life it is a lot easier for me to lock these types of questions deep inside where they tend to never come back up again. But I think God wants us to evaluate our walk with Him constantly and examine it through the lens of His word.(2 Corinthians 13:5)

To begin with, we need to make sure we know what "His way of living" is.
When we look in God's word we can see a clear picture of the life of Christ. Jesus wants us to walk as He walked. Christ was constantly humbling himself and serving others. He served the ones others hated to serve. He loved those who even his disciples had a hard time loving. Christ's life was about sacrifice, and ultimately the end of his life was the greatest sacrifice in all of history.

How do we as the church live lives that reflect the abundanceredemption, and transformation Christ shares with His children? 

Let's start with abundance. One thing Christ hammered on a lot in his time on earth was the love for our possessions, aka the love of money. Christ came so that we may have life more abundantly it says in John 10:10. I don't necessarily think that statement is talking about financial abundance. Christ is speaking of the abundance that is found solely in a relationship with Him. If you ask any devoted follower of Christ about there conversion, I believe they would tell you how Christ has completely changed their life for the better. Following Christ equals an abundant life filled with purpose and meaning. Without Christ, abundance is impossible.

Then there is our redemption. Oh how I love to talk and sing about this. Redemption is found only in Christ's death on the cross, and his resurrection three days later, and can only be found there. As believers in Jesus, we are covered in that redemption. Living a life that has REDEEMED written all over it looks way different than one that does not. What I mean by that is when we walk through life covered in the redemption of Christ we no longer carry the burden of sin we once did. Paul often talks about the burden of sin literally being slavery that we all are put under before we even come into this world. Without Christ, our lives cry out with things like secret shame, guilt, and even self reliance. However, when our lives reflect the redemption that has been given to Christ followers, we experience things like freedom, joy, and peace beyond understanding.

Stemming off of that last point of redemption, is the act of transformation through the Holy Spirit. Christ told his disciples that it was good for him to go, not only for the redemption of the Church, but also for the transformation of His people.(John 14:12) You see once we take on that abundant life that is drenched in the redemption of Christ, we begin this transformation called "sanctification". A constant changing and disciplining of our hearts to be more and more like Jesus. This process of transformation will continue until we are made perfect in Heaven one day. Transformation is a beautiful thing and a huge part of what makes our walk with the Lord so abundant. Christ doesn't want us to stay the same; in fact, He won't have it. This is why we have been given the Holy Spirit! Without Christ we'd be stuck in our ways and be totally and utterly lost.

When we look at the things Christ has done through the cross- the abundance we now live in, the redemption that covers us, and the transformation that continues in us- what kind of life do you think He wants us to produce from these things? I believe it is a life that no longer looks to our own desires, but a life that looks totally to the heart of God. Christ is clear when it comes to laying our wants and desires at His feet, and getting to the point where we are able to truly say "Your will be done!". If that is our posture before the Lord each and every day, the tranquil at-ease life just doesn't exist, and frankly we don't really want that anymore. Christ has called us to be bold, to take steps of faith constantly, and to scream and shout the things that He has done and is currently doing in us. When you step back and look at the big picture of how we've been perfectly equipped to do that, life looks a little bit different than maybe an "American Dream" would. It looks more like a life surrendered to the call, "come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." 

I will leave you with this question, when you stand before God one day will you be able to say, "I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do."?(John 17:4) When we live for the work of God, He is glorified.

Jared Fincher
Creative Arts Pastor

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