Monday, October 20, 2014

Abiding In Christ

A major theme God continues to teach me in my prayer life involves learning how to abide in Christ. Keep in mind that abiding does not mean we sit quietly, do nothing, and contemplate warm fuzzy thoughts about Jesus. Abiding actually means to obey, observe, follow, keep to, hold to, conform to, adhere to, stick to, and stand by. While abiding in Christ certainly produces fruit and peace in our lives (the aspect of abiding most talked about) there is also an aspect of abiding that calls us into action. Abiding is never passive. Abiding is active and involves a conscious decision on our part as followers of Jesus Christ. 

Right now in the life of Northwest there are plenty of opportunities for us to stop abiding and start acting on our own power and determined will. Needs are everywhere and uncertainty abounds in the form of both blessings and challenges. For instance God is blessing Northwest with new leaders (Scott and Amilee Sanders), new ministries (5th and 6th Grade, Student Ministry, and Missions), and new families. At the same time, we are being hit with new challenges such as students coming from tough family situations, neighbors far from God, and increased financial demands. But here's the deal, our directive does not change. WE ARE TO ABIDE IN CHRIST. If a million blessings come our way, we are to abide in Christ. If a million challenges come our way, we are to abide in Christ

One of the most incredible things about Jesus is the fact that the Son of the Living God has invited us to be his friend! We have been invited into a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior...let that sink in for a moment. But wait! The deal gets even sweeter. Christ tells us we do not have to muster up our own strength to follow and obey him. Jesus provides the grace and the strength necessary for us to love Him and serve others if we are willing to abide in Christ. 

Will Blanchard

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