Have you ever felt completely inadequate or unprepared? If you a parent, you might answer that question by shouting, "EVERYDAY OF MY LIFE!" The fact is raising a family is one of the most rewarding and yet challenging experiences in all of life. It's easy to become overwhelmed in the process and to loose sight of the things that are most important on the journey. Thankfully, God reminds us in 2 Corinthians 12:9, "My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness."
On Father's Day, Northwest Community Church will launch our summer teaching series called Win, Coach, & Release. We will dive into Scripture to discover God's principles for healthy relationships in the home and see how those same lessons transfer into all the other relationships in our life too. We will discover that the goal of parenting is not simply to survive. Rather God wants to see parents win, coach, and release the heart of their children into a world that stands in need of their leadership and influence.
Northwest Community Church
June 17 - July 29 |
Our prayer during Win, Coach & Release is that God will show us His perspective on parenting so that all the families connected to Northwest would learn how to thrive and display God's goodness in their community. These next 7 weeks could easily change the path of your entire family's future. Invite a friend or neighbor to come with you and don't miss out on this incredible opportunity!
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