Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Way It Should Be

Last week I had the privilege of having breakfast with Robert Cupp and Chip Jackson of Fellowship Bible Church in Rogers. Our topic of conversation was focused on how effective, healthy churches are able to stay focused on the mission and vision of the church. As I went home to process our conversation, I began to write down a few takeaway points on a whiteboard in my office. Here are some lessons I learned:
  1. The mission/vision of the church should be the focus of everything we do. They are the reason we exist as a church.
  2. There are two main "drivers" or growth agents in a church: organic, life-change, God stuff and the organizational, systems, processes stuff. Both are important and should walk hand-in- hand towards fulfilling the mission/vision of the church.
  3. The entire organization/structure of the church must enhance the mission and vision of the church. Do not ever allow the organization of the church to hinder the mission and vision of the church.
This past Sunday evening, the Leadership Team of NCC (Kevin, Greg, Rob, and Will) along with our wives met to evaluate our first six months as a church. It was one of the most refreshing, encouraging, and Christ-honoring meetings/conversations I have ever had. We started the meeting off with a conversation about our vision of leading people to experience a new life in Christ. We asked ourselves, How well are we achieving our vision? For the remainder of the meeting we allowed this question to filter our decisions concerning structure, budgeting, and planning. I only wish that every pastor, leadership team, and church could have conversations about the "business and organization of the church" as it relates to what God has called them to do. I truly feel blessed to serve alongside a group of people who are committed to allowing God's leadership and calling to determine how we operate as a church...this is the way it should be.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Will, I really like your 3rd point about not ever letting the organization of a church to get in the way of the vision/mission of a church. That can quickly smother the livelihood of the people!
