Monday, March 31, 2014

Pacing Lessons Learned at Prairie Spirit 100

Typically this blog focuses on the life of Northwest Community Church. Occasionally, however, I enjoy posting about cool experiences I have had which further fuel my desire to lead and teach.  I cannot fully explain it but for some strange reason endurance events have a way of recharging my batteries and inspiring other ares of my life. Somehow getting exhausted actually allows me to enjoy life and leadership even more.    

This past weekend I had the opportunity to crew and pace my good friend Chris Cantwell in the Prairie Spirit 100 mile run. This was his first 100 mile race and he performed beautifully. Below is a description of pacing lessons I learned during the run.  Janet paced Chris from miles 50 to 75 and I paced him from 75 to 100 between 11pm to 6am.

Think of your runner as a rubber band. 
Your job as a pacer is to get the absolute best out of your runner. To push them past their perceived limits and get them from point A to point B as fast as possible. Monitor the pace at all times. Walk when necessary and stay just a few steps ahead of your runner. Keep in mind that another key objective of a pacer is to keep your runner alive. Dead runners do not move very fast. The rubber band needs to be stretched but not broken.

Inward compassion. Outward toughness. 
You need to have a certain level of compassion for the runner you are pacing. When your runner is struggling and going through high levels of pain you should hurt with them…but only inwardly. Do not show your runner any pity or a sense of "I feel sorry of you." A sense of pity could cause your runner to go into a downward spiral and open the door for thoughts of quitting. Anyone attempting to run a 100 miles knows how to suffer. Be a good listener to your runner's words, body language, and physical condition but maintain a focused, outward toughness committed to relentless forward progress.

Agree with everything your runner says (except for "I want to quit").
The go-to sentence of a pacer should be "Yes, but let's keep moving this way." Your runner needs to know you are hearing and affirming them…even if it is a false sense of affirmation. Keep things positive and offer a steady stream of encouragement. Some examples include the following conversations which can often occur in the later stages of a 100 mile run.

Runner: "I think I need to throw up."
Pacer: "Yes, but let's keep moving this way."

Runner: "I am so cold."
Pacer: "Yes, but let's keep moving this way. I will get you a dry, warm shirt at the next aid station."

Runner: "My quads feel like they are going to explode."
Pacer: "Yes, but let's keep moving this way."

Runner: "I can't eat anything."
Pacer: "Yes, but let's keep moving this way. And how about just putting this potato in your mouth, chew it up, and see what happens."

Runner: "I do not think we are going to make it in under 24 hours."
Pacer: "Yes, but let's keep moving this way."

Runner: Moaning filled with shallow breathing and dry-heaving
Pacer: "Yes, but let's keep moving this way."  

At the start of the race Chris had three goals in his first 100 mile run:
  1. Finish the race
  2. Finish the race without crying
  3. Finish the race sub 24 hours
Chris accomplished all 3 in an impressive finishing time of 23 hours and 46 minutes.  The closing miles of the run were some of the most inspiring moments I have ever experienced as a runner as we clipped along at a 12:20 pace at 5:30am in the morning. Congratulations Christ Cantwell!  

Finish Line Photo at Prairie Spirit 100


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Release and Resupply

God amplifies the things in our life that bring Him glory. As Christ followers our greatest privilege in life is to bring glory to God. To point people to God's goodness and grace. To allow our lives to be like mini billboards for God's glory and fame.  At Northwest as God shows us the things He amplifies, blesses, and at times even multiplies we strive to repeat those actions over and over and over again. 

So far during the Amplify series we have seen how God amplifies our obedience and our trust in Him.  If you missed the first two talks in this series be sure to listen to them online or download directly from iTunes.  

This past Sunday, we unpacked week 3 of the Amplify series as we discovered how God amplifies our resources to bring glory to His name. The text we studied was John 6:1-15. I received a lot of positive feedback from this week's lesson with several people asking when it would be available to download. Unfortunately we had a computer glitch on Sunday which prevented us from recording the message…Ah the life of a portable church!  So, I wanted to recap the talk and encourage you to carve out some quiet time this week to read, reflect, talk with God, and learn to listen from Him about your resources.  Remember your resources are not limited to money. Resources entrusted to us by God include relationships, time, talent, possessions, and finances.   

First off, reread John 6:1-15 and study the passage through the eyes of the young boy involved in this incredible event. Keep in mind that the young boy had to release his meal so that Jesus could resupply it in a way that ended up feeding thousands of people with 12 baskets of leftovers!  The key principle we discovered was that resources need to be released so that God is able to resupply them.  Remember it is in the resupplying that God's glory gets amplified.  

Next spend some time reflecting on these two principles: 

  • Resources need to be released so that God can resupply.  
  • It’s in the resupplying process that God’s glory gets amplified.

  • God, what are some of my most valuable relationships?
  • God, what are some of the talents you have given me?
  • God, how can I use my time to serve you more?
  • God, are stuff and finances truly more important to me than you?
  • God, how do you want to use my relationships, time, talent, and finances to amplify your glory?  

If we will truly allow God to use ALL of our resources we had better buckle up. When we live a released lifestyle and put it all on the table for God to use, His Word promises us that He will resupply all that we need.  Getting into a rhythm of release and resupply is a beautiful thing. As God resupplies we are given more opportunities to release so that God can resupply even more. The end result is that God's glory and fame gets amplified over and over again.  

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Another Big Step for Northwest

Since the launch of Northwest Community Church, our vision has been to lead people to experience a new life in Christ. During each step of the journey, God has provided the people and resources necessary for us to pursue this vision and see steady life-change and growth in the overall momentum of the church.  As we thank God for what he has done, the Leadership Team of Northwest continues to pray Ephesians 3:20 as it reminds us that “God is able to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”

Over the past several months the Leadership Team has been praying specifically that God would provide a pastor of creative arts and worship for Northwest so that we could more effectively help people connect with God during our Sunday worship gatherings.  In a way that parallels the truth of Ephesians 3:20, God has answered our prayer!  On Sunday, May 4 Jared and Adrienne Fincher from Macon, GA will be joining Northwest to serve as our Pastor of Creative Arts.

Jared holds a bachelor’s degree in Worship Leadership from the University of Mobile and has been serving as a worship pastor since 2010. He has a passion for music and writing and his heart belongs to Jesus. Jared became a follower of Christ at the age of 8 years old and has been on the journey of following God ever since. Jared is passionate about Christ-centered discipleship that involves living life with people outside of the Sunday morning worship gatherings. Jared and Adrienne love the local church and desire to bring glory and honor to God through their leadership.

From the human perspective, this move does not make sense. Jared will be leaving a large church with multiple worship services, a steady salary, and a talented team of artists and leaders in order to serve in a role at Northwest that does not currently provide a full-time salary. If necessary Jared and Adrienne are both willing to find secular jobs in order to be obedient to the call God has placed on their lives to serve at Northwest Community Church.  

The Leadership Team, however, has begun to prayerfully ask God to provide the funds necessary to fully cover the Fincher’s moving expenses, health insurance, and a salary that would allow Jared to be a full-time pastor at Northwest.  We are also trusting that God is going to provide the resources necessary for us to expand our worship and arts ministry. 

Recently, we have asked people connected to Northwest to prayerfully consider making contributions so that we would be able to launch a new level of ministry at Northwest Community Church. We have also asked people to be in prayer for the Finchers as they make a big transition in ministry, grow in their trust of God, and move over 800 miles across the country. As always we hope these recent faith stories at Northwest bring attention and fame directly to Jesus Christ.  What God is doing at Northwest is not about us. Rather the story of Northwest is about Jesus Christ and His ability to save and transform imperfect people for His glory.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Life Change

Life change is huge at Northwest Community Church. We celebrate life change. Promote life change. Preach about life change. And we even pray for life change. Why? Because life change is the byproduct of our vision…To lead people to experience a new life in Christ.   

Check out Crystal's story below. Give thanks to God for His ability to restore us. And then consider getting involved in the life of Northwest Community Church. 

Crystal's Story of Life Change

I was born and raised here in beautiful Northwest Arkansas along with an older sister and a younger brother.  My parents divorced when I was really little so it was just mom and us. We didn’t regularly attend any kind of church service so I never knew much about the bible or Christianity. During high school I did try out a few churches, but for the wrong reasons, and none of them seemed to fit. I found them boring and unrelatable, and I just couldn’t understand why someone would want to wake up on a Sunday and go to church when they could do something else with their time. After high school I married my high school sweetheart and we had 4 amazing kids. We would send the kids to bible school during the summer to keep them busy and occupied, but still we never attended ourselves. Again, I was too busy or too tired, or one of a million different excuses. There just wasn’t time for church in my life.

Just before Thanksgiving we became a family in need. There was no money for food and definitely no money for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Amy from Cooper Elementary School called me one day, out of the blue, and said that there was a local church who wanted to sponsor my family during the holiday season. I was shocked because I hadn’t even reached out to anyone asking for help. This was the best thing that could have happened for my family. Because of the generosity of Northwest Community Church and Cathy, Kent, and Cole Doughty our family was able to enjoy a full Thanksgiving meal, as well as some other needed groceries.  Because of the church and the Doughtys we were able to celebrate Christmas.  And believe me the kids had a blast! But most importantly they embraced me and my family when we were broken and desperate. They laid the groundwork on my heart to change my life. God knew my needs more than I even knew. He knew my heart was aching and I needed direction in my life. 

Cathy and Kent invited me to church and this was a new turning point in my life because I truly felt the love that this church had for me, and I felt a new hunger to grow with the Lord. From the moment I walked in I could feel that I was at home. The message was amazing; and all I could think was “thank you Jesus, I need you in my life”. Since I started coming to church I’ve gained so much. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior, I’ve become ransomed, my relationship with Jesus is getting stronger each day, and I am striving daily to learn and develop and lay my roots as a proud Christian wife and mother for my family.

To read more stories of life change check out the Stories link on our website. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Amplify Begins This Sunday

Join us on Sunday, March 9 as we begin the Amplify series at Northwest. Over the next 6 weeks we will discover how God is able to amplify the things in our life that bring Him glory.  As followers of Jesus Christ our greatest privilege in life is to bring glory and fame to God. Our lives were literally designed to be like mini billboards for God.  Come see how your obedience, trust, resources, blessings, impact, and reliance can all be amplified by God and used to point others to Him.

Don't forget all of our talks are are available to download for FREE through our website and on iTunes.  Now you can easily share what God is teaching you and stay better connected to Northwest when you are traveling.              

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Worship With Your Family

Well I am super bummed to cancel our worship gathering this morning at Cooper Elementary. Gathering with Northwest to worship Jesus on a weekly basis is truly the highlight of my week. Even though we are not gathering at Cooper, we can still worship Jesus all over Bella Vista this morning.  Here is a simple plan for you to gather your family together. Grab your Bible and your laptop or tablet and gather your family around the kitchen table or living room. Explain to your family that you are going to worship God together in your pjs!  Remember the church is made of people not a specific building!

Open with prayer. Ask God to teach you today and help you focus on Him this morning.  

Sing the following songs with your family to God. Focus on the words, the commitments you are making to God, and the reminders of God's character as you sing to Him:
Make it a point to talk about generosity with your family. Explain that the reason we give our tithes and offerings as an act of obedience and worship is because of how generous God has been to us. Talk with your family about all the ways God has blessed you and been generous to your family. Hint: This is a great place to eventually direct the conversation towards Jesus Christ. You may even want to allow your family to see you write out your tithe check and drop in the mail or go online and give directly through the Northwest website.  Giving is an act of worship.    

Next go to the Northwest website and listen to one of our previous talks during the Who Series. Open your Bibles together. Take some notes. And don't forget you can also listen to our messages and subscribe through iTunes too. 

Finally, close in a time of conversation and prayer. 

Let's worship God together!