During our Power Along the Way series, Northwest is discovering that God provides His power and strength to us as we put our faith in Him. We have seen that very seldom does God provide the resources far in advance but He has chosen to bless us and meet our needs as we walk with Him. Regardless of circumstances, our proper response to God's leadership is to trust and obey Him.
In Genesis 12, God tells Abraham "I am going to bless you and all the families on earth will be blessed through you." Wow! Talk about a bombshell. At first glance, it appears that Abraham has been given a tremendous amount of responsibility. Following that conversation with God, Abraham may have even felt like the weight of the world was on his shoulders and that the blessings of future generations depended on him. And yet upon further reflection, we see that all that was required of Abraham was to simply trust and obey God. God was the one with the ultimate responsibility. God was the one providing the blessings to Abraham. God was the one who would be providing future blessings to the nations and generations yet to come. Abraham was simply to be the conduit of God's blessings.
Four thousand years later, God's instruction to us remains the same. God continues to to tell us "Trust me. Obey me. I will provide my power along the way. I am going to bless you so that you will be a blessing to others." And at Northwest we take these instructions very seriously. We believe God has perfectly positioned Northwest Community Church in Bella Vista, AR in order to be a blessing to Northwest Arkansas and the nations. In order to put these beliefs into action, Northwest is engaging in the Great Invasion Project.
During The Great Invasion Project, Northwest is reaching out and blessing some of the hurting families from Cooper Elementary and our surrounding area with the love of Jesus Christ. We are providing Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner, gifts, groceries, clothing, and other items to families in need as we invite them to get plugged in at Northwest Community Church. During the month of December Northwest will also be engaging in The Great Invasion teaching series as we reflect on the way Jesus Christ invaded humanity with His love on that very first Christmas. The Great Invasion Project will culminate on Wednesday evening, December 24th as we host a unique, family-friendly Christmas Eve worship gathering inside an actual barn in Bentonville. To get a sense for what the Great Invasion Project is all about, check out this recent video that tells the story of how God is working through others at Northwest.
This holiday season, do not miss out on all the opportunities God is giving you to be a blessing to other people. If you are not a regular attender at Northwest, but you would like to contribute to the Great Invasion Project, you may do so directly through our website.